Full History
Antioch Church of God in Christ (COGIC) was birthed in the spirit to Pastor Jonathan E. Logan in September 1994. God revealed to him that, “the people of Peoria were sitting complacently in their homes with no place to worship”. In November ‘95, leadership within the Arizona Jurisdiction recognized Pastor Logan’s revelation and approved the establishment of the church in Peoria.
While in Prayer the Lord directed him to name the church “Antioch, for it would be a Ministry Committed to Discipleship”. Continuing to fast and pray, formal organization began in December ’95, with bible studies, until the inaugural service was held on Sunday, 7 January ’96.
Seven faithful families officially united with the church during services held at the Peoria Community Center.
After only six weeks at the location, the Lord revealed to Pastor that as long as the ministry was located there, it would never have a sense of permanence."
"Therefore, the membership immediately began to seek God for a new place of worship. One week later the Lord allowed the new congregation to lease a room in the Sun Air Plaza, located at 9635 West Peoria Avenue.
• Faced with starting a ministry with no infrastructure, God began to move.
• First, God allowed the new congregation to purchase 110 chairs for $300
• Buy carpet and padding for another $300
• The Lord showed his favor toward the ministry
• By completing the total renovation of the new sanctuary without incurring any debt
• Also, Installing a state-of-the-art musical system
God again demonstrated his approval for the ministry by saving five souls during the inaugural service in the new facility. Only one month after moving into the new sanctuary the Lord again spoke to Pastor Logan directing him to lease additional space to house the church’s office and the children’s church. When Pastor Logan questioned the Lord about how fast the growth was happening, the Lord informed him “That the JUST shall live by faith”.
During the First year of ministry the theme was “Getting back to basics”.
• In response to this mandate from God, Pastor began to teach the foundational doctrines of Christianity
• This was instrumental in over 20 souls being saved
• 23 rededicating their lives to the Lord
• And another 12 being baptized in the Holy Spirit
After nine months, the Lord spoke to Pastor again, “if the ministry stayed in its current location it would die, because there was no room for growth”. While seeking the Lord for a new place to house the ministry,"
"the Lord simply said “across the street”. To Pastor Logan’s surprise, the building across the street was for sale.
In six months the Lord blessed the congregation to raise funds for the down payment on the building, and a parcel of the land located directly behind the building to be used as a parking lot.
The Lord also blessed the ministry to accomplish this while simultaneously saving funds for the furnishing and renovation of the building.
• The building and land were purchased on December 29, 1997.
• Renovated in three months transforming it into a model facility
• In May of 2004 our current location was paid off
• In Sept 2004 the Administrative Building next door and the Annex to the North of us were purchased
• The van was purchased in Nov 2003 and
• Paid off in May 2005
• Jan 2006 site plans for the renovation project were completed
• Land north of the church was purchased
• Since moving into this facility, the Lord’s provisions have been nothing short of miraculous
• God blessed the ministry
• To install a multi-media system
• Automate all key church functions
• Pave and landscape a new parking lot
• Develop a Professional Ministerial Support Staff
• Added acoustic paneling in the sanctuary June 20,
"• Conference room face lift July 2022
• Updated Nursery furniture July 2022
God has continually exceeded our expectation and proved to the congregation that the Lord will always make a way for His people. During this period of tremendous progress, the ministry grew to over 198 families …. Validating the fact that Antioch COGIC is indeed “A Ministry Committed to Discipleship”.
The walls of Antioch have seen:
• Many baby dedications
• Weddings
• Numbers of people have dedicated and rededicated their lives to God
• Thru baptism
• Elders, Ministers, Missionaries and Deacons have been nominated, licensed and/or ordained
Since 2000 Antioch has registered
• Over 70 students in the International School of Ministry (ISOM)
• Graduating four combined classes with an associate’s degree
• In 2017 ISOM started again
• The Bachelor’s degree -known as the Advanced Diploma of Biblical Studies graduated 6 students
• The Associates degree program – known as the Diploma of Biblical Studies graduated18 students
Effective Leaders Know Their Limitations
Jethro’s advise to Moses, “This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself. Select from all the people some capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes, and appoint them as leaders. Exodus 18:18-21 abbreviated."
"During those first few years of Antioch’s birth, Pastor and Lady Logan took on the counseling and trouble shooting of each member as their responsibility, just as Moses did for the children of Israel. Their love for the people and God was so strong they were willing to go that extra mile to do His will. After many hours of prayer and fasting basic leadership characteristics were revealed in specific people, Jesus said, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14 NLT
• Leadership classes chosen
• The International School of Ministry (ISOM)
• Money Management
• Special guest are brought in to teach leadership conferences throughout the year
• They come from the Local and National Arenas
Students were taught that “delegation is the exercise of leadership, not the abandonment of it and that time management was a part of good leadership”. Pastor assigned a small group of men to look into starting a Zone Ministry he’d heard about from other leaders in the valley. These men reached out to other churches, were trained and then trained other leaders at Antioch whom Pastor appointed.
Antioch’s Zone Ministry – Effective Leaders Create a System of Accountability
So guard yourselves and God’s people. Feed and shepherd God’s flock – his church, purchased with his own blood*-over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as elders. Acts 20:28 NLT
This is an outreach ministry so each of the families could be ministered to without falling through the cracks or forgotten and was launched in 2005"
"The leaders of Antioch are being trained to assist Pastor with the growing congregation to represent Antioch, Pastor and Lady Logan and to adhere to their leadership.
There are six reasons for home visitations
• Jesus Himself modeled the importance of ministering in the home (Matt 8:14, 9:23, Luke 14:1)
• Jesus sent His disciples in pairs for home visitation (Luke 10:1) He sent them out two by two giving them boldness and accountability
• Home ministry visits were an apostolic practice in the early church (Acts 20:20)
• Believers are to minister to one another not just reaching out to the unsaved (I Thess. 5:11; Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:16 and II Cor. 1:13)
• Home visitation is part of our western heritage
• The world’s largest church has practiced home visitation since its inception.
• The great church in Seoul Korea, totaling more than 800,000 people, pastured by David Cho
• Practiced home visitation from his little tent meeting days in 1958 to the present
Pastor continues to teach leaders to be responsible, reliable, servants of God, just as Jethro’s counsel to Moses was to train leaders, and to help him in caring for the people of Israel.
A Change of Venue
In 2008:
• Normal nighttime services were terminated and two daytime services commenced
• 0730 – Sunday morning prayer
• 0800 – Early morning service
• 0930 – Sunday School
• 1115 – Late morning service"
"• Message: Striving to Become Strategic Warriors for Christ “The Importance of Understanding Your Enemy” was the first message given after changing the service times.
2010 The Agape Fellowship District was Birthed
• Antioch (COGIC) became the lead church
• Pastor, Jonathan E. Logan, Superintendent
• Missionary Christine Logan, District First Lady
• Rehoboth Saint Center
• Pastor, Wesley Relf
• Missionary Gwendolyn E. Relf, District Missionary
• True Holiness COGIC
• Pastor, Winfred L. Austin
• Sister Tanya Austin, First Lady
• 2015 The New Revelation Word COGIC
• Pastor, Michael Mancha, Sr.
• Dr. Sharon Mancha, First Lady
• 2016 Redemption Christian Church
• Pastor, Wade Dawson
• Sister Carol Dawson, First Lady
• 2017 Grace Temple COGIC
• Pastor, Jack Spencer
• Sister Tenile Spencer, First Lady
The Agape Fellowship District exists to
• Express the love of Christ
• Enjoy fellowship with believers
• Equip the Saints
Vision Statement
• Is an equipped body of believers having genuine fellowship with God and Unconditional love for each other"
"2021 Theme: Cultivating A Willingness To Go
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1 NJKV
Such harmony within the family of God renews our energies as we share life with Him and with one another.
In 2014:
The Anointed Voices of Antioch COGIC
• The choir under the name of The Anointed Voices of Antioch COGIC recorded their first CD titled “Make Us One”.
In 2017:
The Mature Generation of Women
• The Mature Generation of Women was birthed and motivated to keep the mature women active! Somehow! Someway! Chair: Mssy Geraldene Massey; Co-chair: Sis Barbara Atkins
Miss Southern Bell
• Antioch’s Christian Women’s Council sponsored their first Southern Belle Tea and crowned Dr. Angela Allen as the first Miss Southern Bell.
Christmas Day Community Outreach Dinner
• Antioch’s Mission Department & Jamburritos Cajun Grille Express sponsored the first Free Christmas Day Community Outreach Dinner in the church parking lot.
• 39 dinners were served to the neighbourhood families
• 30 dinners served to Antioch’s families
• A $95.00 monetary donation given by a passer by
• “We are not stopping now,” but looking forward to next year"
"Antioch’s Legacy Fund
• Antioch started its Legacy Fund because God is asking for a piece of our present to be used for our future
Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.” Habakkuk 2: 2-3 NLT
In 2019:
Dr Jonathan E. Logan
• The Board of Trustees, Faculty, and Graduating Class of Fuller Theological Seminary take pleasure in announcing the Seventh Annual Commencement on Saturday 15 Jun 2019 in Pasadena, California the graduation of Superintendent Pastor Jonathan Earl Logan on receiving his Doctor of Ministry.
We Salute Dr Logan on reaching this long awaited milestone, he celebrated with his local friends and church family on 22 June at the Sun City Grand Clubhouse in Surprise AZ upon his return.
R. I. S. E. Ministry
• Renewed Inspired Saved Empowered
• Leaders
• Minister Isaac Clark
• Sister Patricia Green
• Ages
• Boys and girls
• 13 – 17 years of age
• Mission
• To integrate teams into Ministry and Godly social support while navigating present day issues"
"In 2021:
• On 28 April - Antioch's first Cook Book was published “Antioch Eatables..Divine Cooking”
In 2022:
• Pastor Dr. Jonathan E. Logan, was nominated to the GOCIC General Council of Pastors and Elders Executive Staff.
• The General Council is the Appellate Court to which a Pastor or Elder can appeal and adverse decision rendered by the first level of the COGIC Justice System; the Jurisdiction Pastors and Elders Council. With the passage of Article VIII- Judiciary Board in 1991, the Appellate Court became part of the Judicial Branch.
• cogicjustice.net/judicial-branch/general-council-of-pastors- and-elders/
• Compassion International Ministry is a ministry that partners with local churches to release children from poverty in Jesus'
name. (https://www.compassion.com/sponsorchild/today)
• Church of God in Christ has been asked to partner with them.
• Pastor and First Lady Logan dined, attended a conference and were also entertained at the Biltmore in downtown Phoenix by CeCe Winans.
• Representatives invited Antioch to watch an informational movie clip after which more than 32 members signed up to sponsor at least one child.
• Antioch Christian Academy Summer Camp
• 14 children attended and enjoyed a visit to the Uptown Jungle Fun Park and Phoenix Children's Museum during the two week program.
• Presentations by both the Phoenix Fire and Peoria Police Dept were a hit."
"• Post Pandemic Picnic– Hallelujah, this was the 1st church picnic since the pandemic hit and the church closed in 2020. It was such a relief for many to get out in the fresh air and sun. Antioch brought together family and friends and to make it easy for every one the food was catered; there was music, table and yard games and camaraderie. As a general rule it's always an option to wear a mask when we come together in groups.
• Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program Award
• Dr. Jonathan & Lady Christine Logan and Antioch COGIC were recipients of the 2022 Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program Award.
• The annual program is designed for pastors and congregations who have a strong relationship with one another, a high degree of mutual trust and support, and are eager to see their relationship strengthened, renewed, and continued.
• It also provides an opportunity for pastors to step away from the persistent obligations of daily parish life and engage in a period of renewal and reflection.
• Worship & Arts Concert was well attended.
Antioch reaching out to the Community during the Pandemic
Antioch Reopen Task Force (ARTF) was established under the initiative of Dr. Jonathan E. Logan to create a comprehensive plan to reopen and reassemble the congregation in the sanctuary for worship services and other meetings/programs conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2020:"
"• Antioch Reopen Task Force (ARTF) Membership
◦ Dr Angela M. Allen, Chair-Researcher
◦ Deacon Doug Hales, Co-Chair-Facility Mgr
◦ Deacon Michael Barksdale-Facilities
◦ Elder Algre' Tatum-Music Ministry
◦ Brother Henry Walker-Usher Board
◦ Sister Connie Walker-Greeter
◦ Minister Lee Baker Jr-Media
◦ Brother Louis Jenkins-Facility Maintenance
◦ Dr Chris Pullins, Medical Director-Health Ministry
◦ Sister Cassandra Mouton, Nurse-Health Ministry
◦ Sister Anita Woody, Respiratory Therapist-Health Ministry
◦ Sister Jennifer Burnett, Respiratory Therapist-Health Ministry
◦ Sister Nicole Cunningham, Therapist-Health Ministry
◦ Elder Lee Baker Sr., Senior Leader Liaison-Support
◦ First Lady Christine Logan, Chief Operating Officer
26 Oct - 20 Dec 2020:
Free COVID Testing at Antioch
• Lead by Antioch's Reopen Task Force (ARTF) with Mayo Clinic, and ASU there were 285 COVID-19 testings done at Antioch
10 Oct -2021:
• A West Valley Community Event “We Are One” fighting COVIC 19 & Cancer together, Chair, Dr. Angela Allen
• Equality Health Foundation – gave 68 COVID vaccinations including 44 boosters"
"• City of Peoria Fire Department gave 40 plus Flu vaccinations
• Arizona Complete Health provided a record 35 plus Mammograms for African American Women
• Event Host:
• Antioch Church of God in Christ
• Coalition of Blacks Against Breast Cancer
• Equality Health Foundation
• Arizona Complete Health
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.1 Peter 5: 8-9 NIV.
One incident can affect the whole world to include how church services are held:
• 11 Mar 2020 – the Novel Coronavirus Disease, COVIC 19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO)
• 11 Mar 2020 – Arizona Governor Douglas A. Ducey, issued a declaration of a Public Health State of Emergency due to the necessity to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and mitigate the spread of COVIC 19.
• 13 Mar 2020 – a national emergency was declared in the United States concerning the COVIC 19 outbreak.
• 17 Mar 2020 – Following updated guidance from the Center's for Disease Control and Prevention, the Arizona Department of Health Services issued guidance to cancel or postpone gatherings of 10 or more people. Restricting access to nursing homes, retirement homes and long-term care facilities.
• 19 Mar 2020 – Arizona shall institute a “Stay home, Stay healthy, Stay connected” policy that promotes physical distancing. While also encouraging social connectedness."
"• Essential services are identified as those specifically necessary to promote the public health, safety and welfare of the state or assist others in fulfilling such functions.
• COGIC Leadership suggested the churches take advantage of the social media avenues to stay in church with their congregations nationwide, i.e. Facebook, You-Tube, Zoom, the church App and etc.
• 1 Apr 2020 – Antioch COGIC church doors will be closed to physical Fellowship Worship and will function through Zoom, Facebook, You Tube and the church App.
• Administrative Office Remote Operations will be forwarded telephonically to our Administrative Assistant
• Emails will be checked periodically during the day via remote computer interfacing
• The mailbox will be checked and mail processed twice a week
• Wednesday Night Bible Study and Sunday Service will be seen electronically via Facebook “Live”
• Communion Service will be suspended during the pandemic and members are asked to participate from home.
• COVID 19 Testing at Antioch from Mayo Clinic-ASU-ARTF (Lead) 26 October – 20 December 2020
• Steps to Reopening Antioch
• Social distance, mask required and participate in temperature screening
• 20-27 Jun 2021 – Registered members two Sunday services age 12 years and older, Sunday School via zoom/in person
• 4-25 Jul 2021 – All members two Sunday services, Sunday School via zoom/in person
• 1 Aug 2021 – Two Sunday services all ages, all members and guest"
"• As of 15 Oct 2021 the total cases of people affected with the Corona Virus in Arizona has risen to 1,129,494 with a total of 20,491 deaths and the numbers continue to rise.
Antioch supports African Pastors and their Ministries with their accomplishments over the years
• Pastor Robert Kaawha -- Jinja Miracle Center Gateway
• Has a radio station
• A finished home with guest house attached
• In progress the church, children’s church and Administrative offices
• Hold teaching conferences and Crusades
• Pastor Stephen Mutyaba --Agape Dimension Church
• A finished home
• Has started building church and children’s church and is almost finished just need roof
• Holds teaching conferences and Crusades
• Has Administrative offices
• Built a school and Orphanage
• Built a water tower
• Built a bathroom with indoor toilets
• Purchased vehicle for Agape Dimensions Church—Feb 2022
• Purchased land for Agape Dimensions Church—Sep 2022
• Pastor Christopher Lubega --Salaama Worship Church
• A finished home
• Church with administrative offices
• Performs crusades
• Built a school and orphanage
• Adoptions through “Aggies Baby Home”
• Kampala Day Care"
"• Bishop Rubinah Lokwango--Tororo Pentecostal Church
• Church and Children’s’ church need roof
• Started a jail and Hospital Ministry
• Started the Heartland School
• Hold Crusades and Teaching Conferences
• Opened House of Hope Orphanage
• Bishop Charles Karoli Nusbega--Proposed church/Miracle Worship Center
• Has a children’s church
• A feeding program
• Children of the King MHPS School and Orphanage
• Hold Crusades
• Proposed Church/Miracle Worship Center
Holding Up the Arms of Africa
In a continuing effort to stay in God’s will, in 2000 Pastor Logan led a team of 13 to Uganda East Africa; implementing the vision given to him to “Hold up the Arms of Africa”. Antioch established the Antioch Global Outreach (AGO), the humanitarian relief and development arm of the Antioch Church of God in Christ. AGO is committed to serving church leaders whom are primarily pastors, in addition to children and communities in Africa.
• In 2000 Phase 1 was the exploring stage to assess the need in order to manifest the kingdom.
• In 2002 Phase 2 was the equipping stage of providing spiritual, physical and financial support to the ministries there.
• In 2002 Antioch also launched the first edition of The Discipler’s Vision Antioch COGIC Newsletter, cataloging special events and stories of Antioch as “A Ministry Committed to Discipleship”.
• In 2004 Phase 3 the empowering stage, which consisted of preparing targeted Ugandan Pastors for leadership was accomplished."
"In 2006 and as we entered into 2019 Antioch continues the empowering stage in a number of ways
• On-going support to targeted pastors in Uganda
• purchasing land
• To build homes for pastors
• Starting to build and putting finishing touches on churches
• Expand orphanages and schools
• Purchased generators for night service
• Provided over 4100 bibles in one year
• Antioch's sewing circle sewed uniforms for students
• In 2008 over 5000 attended the Pastors and wives teaching conference which is held during each trip
• In 2008 Antioch’s’ African Symposium
• had record attendance with 530 people
• Over 150 bicycles were given as a blessing to targeted pastors
• A computer center for African youths in Kampala was set up
• Support for the New Hope Christian School for Orphans caring for over 600 students is on going
• Currently 20 to 30 babies can be cared for at “Aggies Baby Home”
• In 2010 a 10 room house was built
• A safe haven for thrown away newborns
• Providing Hope, a Home and a Future
• 2017 Triplets (a boy and his two sisters) were received
• Support for medical supplies to the local hospital is provided
Since Antioch started this journey of “Holding up the Arms of Africa”
• Members of Antioch have served in Africa and other countries:"
"• Uganda which includes(Busia, Entebbe, Hoima, Jinja, Kaliro, Kampala, Mbarara, Masindi, and Tororo)
• Republic of Congo
• Kenya
• Tanzania
• Rwanda
• Mexico
• Haiti
• India which includes (Hyderabad and Pakistan)
• Ghana
• Zambia
• As of 2018 Antioch supports these Pastors and their churches:
• Pastor Robert Kaawha Jinja Miracle Center Gateway
• Pastor Stephen Mutyaba Agape Dimension Church
• Pastor Christopher Lubega Salaama Worship Church
• Bishop John Lokwango Tororo Pentecostal Church
• Bishop Charles KaroliNusbega Proposed Church/Miracle Worship Center
The 2017 Mission Trip lead by Pastor Logan:
• Team members taught at the Jinja Miracle Center in Jinja Uganda:
• Pastor Jonathan E. Logan, Senior Pastor and Team Leader: Salvation; The Process of Salvation; and Authority
• Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady: Mistakes Women Face in Ministry; and Seven qualities a Pastor’s wife should exemplify
• Elder Lee Baker Sr., Asst Pastor: Shepherd’s; what are you doing with the sheep that you have?
• Elder Bennie Bradshaw: How to Deal with Difficult people?
• Missionary Amandra Bradshaw: Mistakes Pastor’s Wives and Women Leaders Make."
"• Sister Alyssa Covington: How to Motivate Women Leaders for Service
• Sister Christine Goodner: A Woman’s Role in Church
• Team members taught at the Love Works Salaama Center – Kampala, Uganda the Conference Theme –“A New Season, Dream Again” given by Pastor Christopher & Pastor Agnes Lubega
• Pastor Jonathan E. Logan, Senior Pastor and Team Leader: Encouraging you to Dream; Pastor closed the session by stating “you have to be willing to let go of where you are to get to where God wants you to be and if you are willing to dream, you must be willing to grow”; Let everything be done decently and in order
• Elder Lee Baker Sr., Asst Pastor: Guarding and Protecting the Sheep; Dream Killers; and you are a chosen generation: What are you chosen to do?
• Elder Bennie Bradshaw: How to Deal with Difficult People
• Minister James Burnette: Keys to Spiritual Growth
• Pastor Stephen Mutyaba, Agape Dimension Church – Kampala, Uganda.
• Suitcases were presented to Pastor Steve and 1st Lady
• A glass plaque was given to Pastor Logan and handkerchiefs to the team
• Team members taught at the Conference in Mbarara, Uganda (Pastors and Pastors wives from Tanzania, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and the Southeast of Uganda ) were present
• Pastor Jonathan E. Logan, Senior Pastor and Team Leader: Things that a Pastor has to learn; Confronting
difficult people; Grace of God; and Vision"
"• Elder Lee Baker Sr., Asst Pastor: Healthy Church Growth
• Elder Bennie Bradshaw: Dealing with Difficult People;
• Minister James Burnette: Ministered in song (If it had not been for the Lord on my Side and to God be the Glory); and Spiritual Growth.
• Sister Alyssa Covington: Ministered in song (If it had not been for the Lord on my side and To God be the Glory)
• Members of the Mission team visited the Trust Primary School founded by Pastor Willy and his wife in 2004. The school came about when he saw boys on the streets, without parental guidance. The school accepts children coming from broken homes and orphans. Children from the surrounding neighborhood can also attend. One boy’s testimony: He was living on the street and eating off the trash heaps, with no home and no shelter, Pastor Willy took him in.
The 2019 Mission Trip lead by Pastor Logan:
• Team members taught at the Busia Conference in the border town in Uganda and Kenya:
• Dr. Jonathan Logan: Understanding the grace of God; We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; Grace is the power and ability of God operating through us; and How to receive the grace offered
• Pastor Victor Rushing, Sr.: The grace of God was upon Jesus Christ and Do not abuse the grace of God
• Elder Lee Baker, Sr. Asst Pastor: Do not receive the grace of God in vain and Let your speech always be with grace.
• Dr. and 1st Lady Logan and Mssy Bradshaw presented love offerings to support local Pastors and their ministries.
• Team members taught at the Tororo Pentecostal Church in Uganda
(Bishop Rubinah presented the team)"
"• Dr. Jonathan Logan: A time to arise!
• Understanding your past
• Understanding your challenges
• Understanding everything that’s going to happen in order to experience His goodness and power and anointing.
• God will never leave you or forsake you. He will always be with you.
• The best is yet to come
• A new beginning at Toro Pentecostal Church, this is not the end but a new beginning
• We cannot allow the school to be closed, we cannot allow the children to be abandoned
Team visited House of Hope Orphanage School
• Children sang and preformed a skit
• Leaders explained their need and vision for the next 5 years
• Team visited Bishop John’s grave-site
• The team taught at the All Believers Word Conference sponsored by Jinja Miracle Centre Gateway (Pastor Robert & 1st Lady Grace Kaahwa)
• God used one connection to have Dr Logan and Pastor Kaahwa meet to build schools, churches, orphanages and homes. Our power is in our Unity; where there is unity, there is power! Sometimes it takes a voice from afar to let us know how important we are.
• Elder Lee Baker, Sr. Asst Pastor: Jinja is about Destiny; God is favoring Jinja, God’s grace is over Jinja
• God’s part is to give you grace
• Our part is faith"
"• If we’re going to have faith there are things we must do
• Faith sees what the world doesn’t see
• Faith prays and aligns with what God wants to do
• Faith remains strong even if you don’t see the answer
• Your faith has to be strong and believe God is going to do it
• Stand on the word of God! He won’t let you down!
• Get hungry about helping others!
• The team traveled to the Hoima Conference held at the United Miracle Church in Kiryatete, Hoima Uganda, Bishop Charles Ezebuga, Host. Conference theme: Incredible Power of Grace.
• Dr. Logan: Understanding the grace of God (morning session)
• We will acknowledge that God will save us by Grace but will think we have to do work after we’re saved
• If you don’t understand the human condition then you don’t understand Grace
• Without God’s Grace we can do nothing. It is by God’s Grace that we are transformed
• We are new creatures God brought to life our new spirit
• Elder Lee Baker, Sr, Asst Pastor
• In the garden, God gave Adam and Eve one job … NOT to eat from the tree. But because they did we became separated from God.
• We became enemies to God; there was no way that we could make ourselves right with God. Because we sinned all we deserved was to spend eternity in hell… BUT because God loves us so much His desire was to
have us spend eternity with Him."
"• God bought us a solution to our problem … He brought us Jesus Christ
• Pastor Victor Rushing, Sr.
• We were created to serve God
• You are not saved by service, but for service
• For Christians, service is not optional. God gives us a heart for others
• Your life should be spent on how to bless the lives of others; not how long we live, but how we serve humanity
• Our eternal destination should make a significant change in others
• God should not have to compete with anything to be first in our heart
• Dr. Jonathan Logan (afternoon session)
• Faith is your response of what God revealed
• Once you are saved you are sealed by the Blood of Christ
• You are not laboring for eternal significance, you already have that; you labor for rewards!
• Do you do what you do out of Love? And did God initiate it?
• Through Grace you are forgiven; this Grace sustains you!
• Grace brings healing to your body and will also cause you to mature
• Confess your sins to God!
• Elder Lee Baker, Sr., Asst Pastor
• God gives you an anointing for your purpose"
"• When you do anything under that anointing the enemy starts to tremble!
• When the anointing comes something moves in your heart
• Jesus operated under the same anointing
• God is only asking us to rely on His Power
• Team hosted 34 Pastors and Leaders at Milka Eco Resort in Hoima Uganda
• Dr. Jonathan Logan
• Give and it shell be given unto you; If you give God promises that He will give unto you
• The Dead Sea has no life; the Sea of Galilee has life and gives life
• If you’re going to be an effective leader, you have to be a holistic minister; have wisdom to help the people in every aspect of their lives.
• Holistic preaching, preaches to the whole human experience
• The Bible says it is by Grace that we are saved; by Grace he gives us the will and the ability
• If you live the Christian life without Grace, you’re living in the flesh.
• Operating in the flesh means everything is operated by us and as a result we draw the people to us; but when you use Grace we draw people to Jesus.
• Jesus is the fulfillment of the Word of God
• Jesus is the Living Word – the Word personified
• The only Son of God
• What the enemy wants to do is to make the leader common with the other people. Do not argue with the"
"members. The members should come up; leaders you should never lower your morals
• A little sin not dealt with, will mess up your life
• Pastor Victor Rushing, Sr.
• Do not abuse God’s Grace; His Grace is not an open invitation to keep on sinning
• After the power of Grace is in our lives, sin has no dominion over us; and has no power operating in our lives
• God’s Grace gives us the power not to sin but to please God instead
• One of the keys of not abusing God’s Grace is to be humble. When you fully surrender and work with the Lord, he will humble us.
• The spirit of pride took out 1/3 of the heavenly host
• The most difficult people to work with are the most gifted and anointed. Don’t allow your ability and anointing talk you into rebellion. Don’t let your gifts cause your head or chest to be pumped up. Stay humble so God can use you.
• We must have faith knowing that God is at the finish line waiting for us!
• Elder Lee Baker, Sr., Asst Pastor
• What God has given you is for you to use
• Some people get jealous of what others have because they think what they have is too small or not as good.
• God blesses us when we are in relationship with Him
• When God gives you the grace to do something you should be excited because God wants to bless you!"
"• After checking out of the Milka Eco Resort the Mission Team visited the New Hope Orphanage and Aggies Baby House prior to checking in at the Africana Hotel.
• Antioch’s Youth Department
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 KNIV
2003 and again in 2008
• A team traveled to Mexico to help build homes
2009 We had our first camp experience
• 42 youths and 15 adults traveled to Heber AZ
• To Camp Shadow Pines
• Theme “Holiness is a Representation of God”"
• 34 youths and 12 chaperons attended Camp ID
• Theme “to help the youth recognize their true identity with Christ Jesus”
• The lessons, discussions, activities, and sermon focused on ‘Our true identity is found and formed in Jesus’"
• 10 Youths and 5 adults volunteered to bag toys for the Marine Toys for Tots program
Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Mark 16:15 NLT
Obeying the Great Commission other Ministers, Missionaries and Evangelist answered the call
In 2006:"
"• Missionary Evangelist Angela Tibbs
• Joined the International, COGIC, Christian Women’s Council (CWC) President Mother Inez Millhouse
on a mission trip to Lusaka, Zambia Held a full week revival
• Evangelism training for Adults and children
• Held a women’s workshop
• And assisted in establishing the first chapter of the CWC in Lusaka Zambia
In 2012:
• Missionary Evangelist Tibbs
• Traveled to Port-Au Prince Haiti to work in the Christian Haitian Outreach compound in Marianna Coufour, Port Au Prince.
• Bathing special needs children
• Washing clothes
• Teaching Evangelism to three separate age groups
• Teens 14-18 (Revelation of Jesus
• Middlers 10-13 (Christ our Lord
• Juniors 5-9 (Who is Jesus)
• Little Bittys 4 and under (He knows My Name);
• Full group setting (62 children plus 10 adults) the
Colors of the Evangelism -with necklaces"
"In 2015:
• Missionary Evangelist Tibbs traveled to
• Hyderabad, India with Minister James Burnette
• Serving families in the areas of clothing and rice distribution for children, orphans and widows.
• Witnessing the Gospel for the first time ever to 75 children teaching (Colors of Evangelism necklaces)
• Donating money for a sewing machine for the ladies in the colony
• Prayed for the women and widows that were a part of the Dorcas Sewing Circle"
"• And honored by God to lay hands on an in firmed woman, lying on a cot on the side of the road in the village
• She was raised up and that woman began running around the village to the Glory of God
In 2007 thru 2009:
• Missionary Geraldine Massey answered the call from the Holy Spirit
• She accepted a position as the Vice President of Student Affairs
• At the All Nations University Christian School in Koforidia, Ghana, West Africa
• The University was only 4 years old
• She helped bring a Western twist to their operation
• Oversaw the well being of over 1500 students, from admissions to graduation
• Students were not just from Africa but other countries as well
• Because of her love of God and children she was affectionately called, “Mum”!
Antioch’s Missions Department in the past has supported other foreign missionaries
• In Haiti and in Russia
• And in 2013 Bibles were sent to Pakistan and Rice to India
In 2015:
• Minister James Burnette went on the Mission Field
• Ministered at the Realindia Church in Hyderabad India
• Spoke on Fellowship in Unity and the importance of being unified. Psalm 133
• Example used: Fingers coming together to make a fist from Pastor Logan"
"• The Treasure: a solar powered bible in the Telagu language was given to 100 plus pastors and their wives
• The Treasure was donated by the World Mission Organization.
• Over 1,000 lbs of rice was purchased and distributed to the widows in Kadailibi Tanda
• Seeds of faith were planted into the hearts of those who have never heard the name of Jesus
• School supplies were purchased for 175 children
• Abused women were given bottles of oil and were instructed to treat their husband with love and kindness
and to apply oil to their garments"
"In 2014:""• 6,000 lbs of rice was purchased
• 100 bibles purchased
• 20 sewing machines purchased
• School supplies for 500 children
• Gifts and meals for over 100 widows and sewing school students
• Gifts for 300 children and Christmas boxes for over 400
• 30 baptisms and 30 conversions
• 20 children are sponsored giving them a monthly
stipend to attend a good school and meals each day"
"• Shekinah Bible School in Pakistan
• Minister Burnette was not able to go to Pakistan, it is not a safe environment however….
• Sent 50 bibles
• Paid school tuition for 35 children
• Present goal is to purchase a Motor scooter for Pastor Akeel, he walks from village to village spreading the gospel
• In the summer of 2016 Minister Burnett lead a team of 3, Minister Sean Boulware and Aspiring Deacon Gerald Thigpen to Hyderabad India with a primary goal to help spread the gospel of Jesus in"
"Hindu villages and a secondary goal to supply physical needs by feeding the hungry. By the time they left they were compared to the three Hebrew Boys “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego).
• Vision4Missions (V4M) was birthed out of a vision Minister Burnette received during a revival at the age of ten. As a child he had longed to go to the foreign fields and minister in whatever capacity the Lord had anointed him with. He never understood the vision; but he didn’t forget it. When he was a member of New Hope C.O.G.I.C. under the leadership of Bishop Herman Clark Sr in Norfolk, VA. he was appointed president of Youth Action and would take the youth on Christian retreats. In 1987 he took a group of young men to the Bahamas and received a prophetic word from a stranger who stated that “I would travel the world and speak to many”. I heard it, but really didn't receive it into my spirit until years later”.
• In 2006 Minister Burnett joined fellowship with Antioch
C.O.G.I.C. in Peoria, Arizona founded by Pastor Jonathan E. Logan and Missionary Christine Logan. “In 2008, Pastor Logan invited him to the mission field of Uganda, East Africa! Now the seed that was planted in his heart had begun to take root and grow”.
• Since that time, he has prepared himself for ministry and with the Pastor's vision; he became a student with the International School of Ministry (ISOM). After graduating from ISOM, the pastor gave him his blessing for his first solo mission trip to minster at REALINDIA Church in Hyderabad, India. He became friends with Pastor Jayakumar Garnipudi and his congregation; confirming
God's call on his life."
"In 2018:
• Minister Burnette accompanied by Brother Michael Logan arrived in India with an itinerary of speaking at two Hindu Villages and the Leper Colony with God’s blessing.
• Their mission is to share the simplicity of the Gospel
• Plant the seed
• Allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest.
• When they arrived at Realindia Church they saw many opportunities to share the Gospel with their extended family
• The people were open to hearing and learning more about Jesus Christ
• They wanted to share the joy of Christ
• Minister Burnette & Brother Logan entered the Leper Colony and ministered to them and their families.
• They came with stumps for feet, blind, disfigured faces or no fingers or hands
• Yet they were clapping, singing and giving God glory.
• The message was, “we are already eternal beings and will have a new and glorified body when Christ returns.
• After prayer each family was presented with rice, beans, soap and
"• There was candy for the children.
• Over 100 back packs were given to the school children.
• Other village children were given school supplies
• Hindu women were presented with new sewing machines.
• Widows were given rice, peas, oil and soap
• As they moved though the different villages they were spreading hope, “God will never turn His back on His people.”
Antioch’s Yearly Church Themes"
"• 2000 - Running With the Vision” “Write the Vision, and Make it Plain upon Tablets, that He May Run That Readeth It
• 2001 - Manifesting the Vision by Perfecting Individual and Corporate Ministry
• 2002 - Ascending to the Next Level Through Prayer
• 2003 - Manifesting the Kingdom of God Through Obedience, Power and Witness
• 2004 - Embracing Our Destiny by Overcoming Our Fear and Anxiety
• 2005 - Called to do the Work of an Evangelist: Our Mission, Our Message, Our Model, Our Means, Our Mindset and Our Motivation
• 2006 - Pressing Toward the Goal of Maturity
• 2007 - Mastering the Love Walk
• 2008 - Striving to become Strategic Warriors for Christ
• 2009 - Endeavoring to Keep the Unity of the Spirit
• 2010 - Be Strong in the Grace of Jesus Christ: for My Grace is Sufficient for You
• 2011 - Divine Deliverance Strategies: Overcoming Life’s Issues through the Power of God
• 2012 - Transitioning to the next level through Divine Information; Inspiration; Invocation and Innovation with Intentionality
• 2013 - Understanding and Modeling the Foundational Principles of the Christian Faith
• 2014 - Understanding the Significance of Your New Identity in Christ
• 2015 - God’s Remedy for Present Day Issues in a Troubled World
• 2016 - Perfecting Your Faith by Gaining a Comprehensive Knowledge of Biblical Doctrine.
• 2017 – Deliverance: A Matter of Crucifying the Flesh
• 2018 – Responding to the End Times"
"• 2019 – Solidifying Your Christian Foundation
• 2020 – Pursuing Your Destiny by Overcoming Life’s Challenges
• 2021 _ Embracing Things That Cannot Be Shaken
• 2022 - Keys to Developing Intimacy with God and Others
• 2023 - Mastering the Spiritual & Natural Benefits of Rest
Antioch is currently the home of 237 households coming together in unity as one. We still believe the Lord has even greater blessings and challenges for the Antioch Family in the future. His word says: “To everything there is a season; A time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1”
Guiding Lights that Impacted the Establishment and Growth of Antioch GOGIC
Enter the gates with thanksgiving, go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalm 100: 4-5 NLV
In 2019:
Dr. Leonard Lovett
• Antioch and the world suffered a heartbreaking lost when Reverend Dr. Leonard Lovett went to be with the Lord on 2 April 2019. Dr Lovett was an honorary member of Antioch, Mentor and Spiritual Father to Superintendent Dr. Logan. Dr. Logan many times said, “You always need a higher authority come in and set the house in order from the start and that is what Dr. Lovett did”. Dr Lovett had many titles: The pioneer Dean Emeritus of CH Mason Seminary, (the first fully accredited Pentecostal seminary in North America) an affiliate of the Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta GA.; he was the first Ecumenical Officer of Urban Affairs of the largest Pentecostal denomination in North America, the Church of God in Christ."
"Dr. Lovett served over two decades of pastoral ministry in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Atlanta. With conviction, he believed that a better world is imaginable and possible; however, we must take a serious look at the worst around us and engage the “powers that be” in our struggle against injustice. This conviction prompted him to participate in the first student non-violent struggles of the sixties where he first met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. while a student at Morehouse College. He was in demand throughout North America and abroad as a lecturer and activist theologian within the Faith Community and the Academy having engaged in ministry on five continents. He was a radically committed follower of Jesus Christ and apologist (advocate) “put here for the defense of the Gospel” and was personally acquainted with many high level politicians on Capitol Hill.
Since Antioch’s inception Dr. Lovett brought the Word of God to the Church Community on countless Anniversaries and gave his final message to the church at Antioch’s 23rd Church Anniversary on 24 February 2019.
In 2021:
Bishop Loran Edward Mann
• A trailblazer and Pittsburgh icon, went home to be with the Lord on 2 May 2021 he was 74. Bishop Felton M. Smith said “He was a consummate leader, a man of impeccable lifestyle, a preacher of righteousness and a lover of God's people”. Mayor Bill Peduto said “Pittsburgh lost a Lion. To the family thank you for sharing him with all of us. A gentle giant who shed love onto our city, a man who lived by the rule of compassion, a friend”. Antioch, lost a sincere Friend, Supporter of the Ministry and a Devoted Mentor to Pastor Dr. Jonathan Logan.
• Bishop Mann attended both Westinghouse High School and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and holds honorary doctorates from three institutions, including Waynesburg University of Pennsylvania. He later became the first African American newscaster on KDKA Radio. In 1968. However, when"
"the opportunity came for him to jump to television full-time, he took the leap to WPXI-TV (Channel 11). Here he became a household name, reporting any and everywhere at any hour of the day or night.
• Through the years, Bishop Mann became active in the global ministry of the Memphis-based Church of God in Christ, the nation's largest Pentecostal denomination of more than 6 million members. In April 2000, Bishop Mann was appointed Commissioner of Television for the denomination and was a member of the executive committee of the general assembly, the legislative branch of the church. In 2005, Bishop Mann was appointed by then Gov. Ed Rendell as a member of the state Public Television Network. In 2011, Bishop Mann was named during the 104th International Holy Convocation of the Church of God in Christ as Bishop of Vermont. Bishop Mann served as chairman of the Jubilee Broadcasting Corp, which operates Radio Station KSTL Radio 690 in St Louis.
• In March 2021, Bishop Mann was among 30 candidates vetted and among 11 later appointed to the prestigious national board for the Church of God in Christ.
• COGIC Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard simply said: “To know him was to love him. His presence will be surely missed by all.”
• Bishop Mann was such an accomplished speaker, teacher and preacher, he and his spouse First Lady Barbara had often visited the halls of Antioch holding seminars and as guest speakers sharing their vast knowledge and love of God. He was scheduled to be the featured speaker at the 25th Church Anniversary but illness and the pandemic put everything on hold.
• In 2019 Bishop Mann recalled in an interview with Cornerstone Television Network how he was reluctant to move from his home town, away from so many of his friends. But he said, “I heard the voice of the Lord say that he wanted me in Pittsburgh,” “I had no idea then, what he had in mind” Bishop Mann epitomized what it"
"meant to be effective in your own walk with Jesus Christ and effective in your walk in the world.
“And it was in Antioch that disciples were first called Christians” Acts 11:26 NKJV
Antioch, a “Ministry Committed to Discipleship”
Ann Walker, Church Historian
Revised 16 Feb 2023"